We Proudly offer Toxin Free herbal colours, Silk infused Ammonia Free Perms And Straightening Systems

Luxe Hair Salon offers a comprehensive range of cutting, colouring and perm services for both male and female cleintele. With a price structure to suit all budgets our highly trained staff can provide everything from a simple trim to a completely new look.

Luxe Hair Salon window

Women's Hair Services

Service Hair Senior Stylist Master Stylist Head Stylist Top Designer Team Designer
Cut Short $55 $65 $70 $76 $86
Cut Medium $63 $75 $80 $82 $92
Cut Long $69 $80 $83 $88 $98
Neck / Bangs Trim - $15 $18 $22 $25 $30
Shampoo/Blowdry Short $32 $35 $45 $55 $65
Shampoo/Blowdry Medium $35 $40 $50 $60 $70
Shampoo/Blowdry Long $40 $45 $55 $65 $75
Shampoo/Blowdry/Flat Iron Short $35 $40 $50 $60 $70
Shampoo/Blowdry/Flat Iron Medium $40 $45 $55 $65 $75
Shampoo/Blowdry/Flat Iron Long $45 $50 $60 $70 $80
Flat Iron Only Short $25 $30 $40 $50 $60
Flat Iron Only Medium $30 $35 $45 $55 $65
Flat Iron Only Long $35 $40 $50 $60 $70
Special Up-Do Short $110 $120 $130 $140 $150
Special Up-Do Medium $120 $130 $140 $150 $160
Special Up-Do Long $130 $140 $150 $160 $170
Trial up-do $75 $85 $95 $105 $115
Bridal/Graduation Up-Do: Prices available with consultation
Deep Conditioning Treatment (Includes Shampoo/Blowdry) Short $40 $45 $55 $65 $75
Deep Conditioning Treatment (Includes Shampoo/Blowdry) Medium $45 $50 $60 $70 $80
Deep Conditioning Treatment (Includes Shampoo/Blowdry) Long $50 $55 $65 $75 $85
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Women's Hair Colouring Services

Service Hair Senior Stylist Master Stylist Head Stylist Top Designer Team Designer
Colour Short $105 $125 $145 $155 $165
Colour Medium $115 $135 $155 $165 $175
Colour Long $125 $145 $165 $175 $185
Colour Extra Long $155 $175 $195 $215 $235
1/2 Head Colour Short $75 $85 $95 $105 $115
1/2 Head Colour Medium $85 $95 $105 $115 $125
1/2 Head Colour Long $95 $105 $115 $125 $135
Roots Touch-Up - $90 $105 $115 $125 $135
Bleach & Tone Short $145 $155 $165 $175 $185
Bleach & Tone Medium $165 $175 $195 $215 $235
Bleach & Tone Long $185 $195 $215 $235 $255
Bleach & Tone Touch-Up - $125 $135 $145 $155 $165
Foils Each - $12 $14 $16 $18 $20
Partial Foils Short $135 $165 $195 $215 $235
Partial Foils Medium $145 $175 $205 $225 $245
Partial Foils Long $155 $185 $215 $235 $255
Full Head Foils Short $155 $185 $215 $235 $255
Full Head Foils Medium $165 $195 $225 $245 $265
Full Head Foils Long $175 $205 $235 $255 $275
Full Foils & Tone Short $175 $205 $235 $255 $275
Full Foils & Tone Medium $185 $215 $245 $265 $285
Full Foils & Tone Long $195 $225 $255 $275 $295
Partial Foils & Tone Short $155 $185 $215 $235 $255
Partial Foils & Tone Medium $165 $195 $225 $245 $265
Partial Foils & Tone Long $175 $205 $235 $255 $275
Toner Only Short $65 $75 $85 $95 $105
Toner Only Medium $75 $85 $95 $105 $115
Toner Only Long $85 $95 $105 $115 $125
Balayage Short $175 $225 $275 $305 $325
Balayage Medium $205 $255 $305 $335 $355
Balayage Long $235 $285 $335 $365 $385
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Women's Perm Services

Service Hair Senior Stylist Master Stylist Head Stylist Top Designer Team Designer
Silk-Infused Perm Short $165 $185 $205 $225 $245
Silk-Infused Perm Medium $175 $195 $215 $235 $255
Silk-Infused Perm Long $185 $205 $225 $245 $265
Relax-Silk Treatment Short $160 $180 $200 $220 $240
Relax-Silk Treatment Medium $170 $190 $210 $230 $250
Relax-Silk Treatment Long $180 $200 $220 $240 $260
Chi Straightening Short $250 $300 $325 $350 $375
Chi Straightening Medium $350 $375 $400 $425 $450
Chi Straightening Long $450 $475 $500 $525 $550
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Men's Hair Services

Service Hair Senior Stylist Master Stylist Head Stylist Top Designer Team Designer
Cut - $45 $50 $54 $60 $67
Beard/Neck Trim - $15 $18 $20 $25 $30
Colour Short $105 $125 $145 $155 $165
Colour Medium $115 $135 $155 $165 $175
Colour Long $125 $145 $165 $175 $185
Roots Touch-Up - $90 $105 $115 $125 $135
Bleach & Tone - $145 $155 $165 $175 $185
Foils Each - $12 $14 $16 $18 $20
Partial Foils - $135 $165 $195 $215 $235
Full Head Foils - $155 $185 $215 $235 $255
Full Foils & Toner - $175 $205 $235 $255 $275
Relax-Silk Treatment - $120 $130 $150 $260 $170
Partial Relax-Silk Treatment - $90 $100 $110 $120 $135
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Children's Hair Services

Service Senior Stylist Master Stylist Head Stylist Top Designer Team Designer
0-5 Years Old Cut $25 $30 $35 $40 $45
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*We offer 10% senior/student discount on our services during weekdays until 3:00PM